Cristiano Ronaldo

 Ganhar um Mundial por Portugal era o maior e mais ambicioso sonho da minha carreira. Felizmente ganhei muitos títulos de dimensão internacional, inclusive por Portugal, mas colocar o nome do nosso país no patamar mais alto do Mundo era o meu maior sonho.

Lutei para isso. Lutei muito por esse sonho. Nas 5 presenças que marquei em Mundiais ao longo de 16 anos, sempre ao lado de grandes jogadores e apoiado por milhões de portugueses, dei tudo de mim. Deixei tudo em campo. Nunca…
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Winning a World Cup for Portugal was the biggest and most ambitious dream of my career. Fortunately I won many titles of international dimension, including Portugal, but putting our country's name on the highest foot in the World was my biggest dream.
I fought for it . I fought hard for this dream. In the 5 appearances I scored in World Cups over 16 years, always by the side of great players and supported by millions of Portuguese, I gave my all. Leave it all out on the field. I never turned my face to the fight and I never gave up on that dream.
sadly yesterday the dream ended It's not worth reacting to heat. I just want you all to know that much has been said, much has been written, much has been speculated, but my dedication to Portugal has not changed not for a moment. I was always one fighting for the objective of all and I would never turn my back on my colleagues and my country.
Not much more to say for now. Thank you Portugal. Thank you Qatar The dream was nice while it lasted... Now, it's hoping that the weather will be good advisor and allow each one to draw their own conclusions.





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